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London and South East Academic Integrity Network

Click here to watch a video introduction to the network.

The London and South East Academic Integrity Network (LSEAIN) is an informal academic integrity network that meets online every six to eight weeks during the academic year.

During meetings, members can discuss issues of interest to them, and they can ask for support from the wider network. Meetings are held under Chatham House rules and there is no formal representation of individual universities at meetings.

Notes are kept of meeting discussions, but they are not intended to be shared outside the network.

Meetings generally have a theme, but open discussion is also welcome. Members sometimes form subgroups to discuss issues of wider interest to them and have also conducted research projects together.

LSEAIN welcomes new members from people working or studying at a university in London or South East England. Guests from elsewhere in the UK, but outside the direct region are also welcome. At present, we can’t cater for members from outside the UK due to the differences in educational systems.

If you would like to join, please complete the short form below. The LSEAIN coordinator, Dr Thomas Lancaster, will follow up as time permits.

Any problems with the form, feel free to email Thomas directly (thomas at thomaslancaster dot co dot uk).


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Your Name
Your Role
We are keen to have students involved in shaping the network, but do note that some discussions of sensitive or confidential issues may have to be restricted.
This is optional, but you might like to say what your role at your institution is, or anything you’d like to know about LSEAIN. If you’re wishing to join as a student member, please do tell us what you are studying and your connection with academic integrity.